Swisstainable ecology programme

The Vatel hotel is proud to announce its progress in the Swisstainable program for which it has obtained the classification: Level 2- Engaged

The Vatel hotel is becoming more eco-responsible thanks to the active involvement of students in sustainable initiatives such as the Swisstainable program. The commitment of Chloe Perfect, Costanza Ribi, Loïc Marclay and Rahel Meer, supported by Mr. Yves Defalque, hotel director, demonstrates the importance given to sustainable development within the establishment.

The creation of the program in 2018, aimed at promoting sustainable practices within partner hotel establishments in Switzerland, represents a significant step. Obtaining level 2 after a year of commitment illustrates concrete actions, such as reducing pressure in showers, installing bicycles, thermal improvement of the building and setting up a system of triage. These initiatives not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also strengthen the hotel's social responsibility.

It is encouraging to see that this collaboration between the Vatel Hotel and the students will continue in the future. The continued commitment to the Swisstainable project demonstrates a long-term commitment to ecological awareness, thus providing a more sustainable and conscious experience to customers. This approach can also serve as an inspiring example for other hotel establishments and businesses wishing to adopt sustainable practices.